We Need your Help
Support the Paws

We want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you who have supported the work we do at TDS. Our mission is to save dogs off euthanasia lists from shelters, and to offer them a place to rest, recover, rehabilitate until they are ready to be adopted. We offer our help to those left behind by other rescues, to those who are broken, sick, older, orphaned, pregnant, nursing, are unruly due to lack of training, shut down from emotional trauma and we give them the time they need to become the dogs they were always meant to be. A new "Leash on Life." 

If you would like to help us get  projects going, please donate gift cards from

Lowes or Home Depot 

for the supplies we need. We look forward working with our community to reach these goals and to provide our animals with the best services available.  Our dogs come from euthanasia lists from local shelters and we are often their last chance. Please join the team of caring people by donating, volunteering, getting involved. Help us help them. Saving one set of paws at a time!

The Dog Spot Fund
P.O. Box 5126
Vacaville Ca 95696

Thank you all for helping us get these dogs to a Home of their own.

TDS services over 1,500 animals in 2014. These dogs, cats, horses would not be alive today without the help we gave through your donations.

This expense is on top of our yearly budget of need of which 90 per cent comes from donations. This determines how many animals we can serve in the following year. Not everyone can be a foster, transporter, or help at adoption events. But any amount of donation, can make the difference for a shelter dog on a euthanasia list. We want to make 2015 the best year ever!

1matted poodleWe welcome you to The Dog Spot Rescue. Our goal is to help homeless dogs who come from shelter's euthanasia lists, find permanent homes.We, as volunteers, work many hours a week while juggling our family and personal lives to give dogs and pups a second chance at life and love. Please join our " Dog Spot Family " by volunteering your time and talents in any way you can or as a foster, adoption event helper, a donor or the ever important adopter.  Together we can make the difference in the life of a dog, saving one set of paws at a time. For further information on how you can adopt, help, donate, contact us at: thedogspotrescue@aol.com

A dog in need is waiting....

Helping Paws

Melissa and fair dog

Donations Needed: e-mail us at: thedogspotrescue@aol.com for drop off locations!

dry puppy food
file folders
copy paper
dog toys
collars size small and medium with good clasps
Metal Feeding Buckets
Igloos/Dog Houses
"Country Court yard Kennel" panels which can be bought at Pet Food Express. Each set has six panels and it really helps us present the dogs well. We need twenty sets.

Eye on T.D.S.

Breaking news, daily updates, upcoming events. This page is our news channel to the public.

We will be adding all kinds of information, recent adoptions, upcoming adoption events, volunteer requests, and updating you, our supporters on the success of these adoption events.

Please visit this page frequently to find out what's going on at The Dog Spot, how you can help and continue to support our mission.

Make your day count, Save a Life by Sponsoring one Dog at a time!  

Medical costs are one of our largest expenses at The Dog Spot, and when you  sponsor a dog for spay or neuter and/or a rabies vaccine, you are allowing us to intake more dogs from high kill shelters. Every dollar donated will be used for spay/neuter services and/or a rabies vaccine based on the dollar amount you wish to donate. Please specify "Sponsor" in the memo section of the paypal transaction. Thank you for your continued support/

  • Spay & Neuter Sponsor $50.00
  • Rabies Vaccine Sponsor $12.00
  • To Sponsor/Donate any amount

Web Image: Helping Paws

It Takes Many Hands to Save a Set of Paws!

P.O. Box 5126 •  Vacaville, Ca 95688  •  thedogspotrescue [ at ] aol.com